Sunday, May 20, 2012

It's a Girl!

Ok, so not really. In fact, we won't even know the gender of the baby for at least another couple of weeks. But it seems that everyone around me keeps saying, "It's a girl!". Even John thinks we're having a girl. It's funny - I'm the only one who has a feeling it's a boy. Call it maternal instinct or just call it playing the odds - everyone in John's family has a boy. John has two brothers, his brother has two sons, and all his cousins are boys. It's a Jordi thing. So naturally, I'm going to think I'm having a boy as well. John and I even made a bet (have I mentioned how competitive he is?) - he bet me the baby is a girl and I bet him it's a boy. Whoever "loses" has to treat the other one out to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Yummy Sushi. It's a silly little bet, but it helps us pass the time as we anxiously await our next appointment. This will probably be the most exciting appointment up-to-date, as we will then be able to start registering for items and start planning out the nursery.

In the meantime, here are some silly ways to predict a baby's gender. There's even a Chinese Baby Gender Predictor, which is the only one I've tried and one that many people swear by. It's says I'm having a boy... :)

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