Thursday, May 31, 2012

Drumroll, Please...


John and I are so excited to announce that we are having a boy :) We went to our anatomy ultrasound today and as we were walking down the hallway the doctor asked us if we wanted to find out the baby's gender. We said, "OF COURSE!" We have been so excited about this appointment for so long. Yesterday, we were talking and thinking about how different our lives would be once we found out the sex of the baby (would we one day be paying for someone's wedding or someone's rehearsal dinner?) Anyway, at our appointment this afternoon, as soon as the doctor had the baby up on the screen, she was like, "Yup, it's a boy." Seriously, within like a second she knew. From there, she proceeded to show us all his boy parts :) I turned to John and said, "Ha! I knew it!" And this afternoon before my appointment, my feelings that it was a boy kept growing stronger and stronger. Even on the way to our appointment, I turned to John and said, "I feel now more than ever that it's a boy."

Ultrasound 20 Weeks
I'm going to go ahead and embarrass my son now and show you his boy parts :) For me, the angle was a little confusing. The doctor was like, "Can you see it?" and John was like, "Oh yeah, of course" and I thought, "Do you? Do you really?" I actually asked to see it twice because I wasn't sure what I was looking at!

After the doctor confirmed the baby's gender, a mix of feelings and emotions came over me, ranging from how cute it will be to watch John teach the baby how to play sports to "uh oh, I'm gonna have to potty train a boy!" And I always thought that once I knew the baby's sex, the name would just come to me, like some kind of epiphany. But nope, nothing. In fact, I think I may be confused now more than ever on what to name our Lil Bit. Surely, I can't keep calling him Lil Bit forever (or can I?) I just know I'm going to be pouring over baby naming books and maybe even extend the poll and add more to the list.

3D Ultrasound 20 Weeks
And here's Lil Bit, in all his 3D glory. The doctor said everything looks great and the baby is healthy :)


  1. Congratulations to both of you! Being a mom of 2 boys and an auntie of 4 nephews, I am a bit biased towards boys. But our 3rd child proved me wrong and I love girls, too! Have lots of fun looking at names, shopping, and thinking of ways to decorate. It's an exciting time! That is an awesome 3D picture. Cute baby boy!

    1. Thanks Gemma! We are both very excited. I'm actually going to go out shopping today for little outfits for our little guy :)

  2. How exciting, congrats!
