Sunday, July 8, 2012

Baby Bump and Baby Kicks: Week 25

25 Weeks

I'm at the point in my pregnancy now where I'm positive I know exactly what baby kicks feel like. At first, I wasn't sure, probably because everyone kept telling me it would feel like a little flutter, like butterflies in your stomach.

It didn't feel anything like this to me.

I felt my first baby kicks during week 21. In fact, I remember the exact day - June 7. John and I were sitting on the couch watching TV, when all of a sudden, I felt this tiny kick. It startled me so much that I jumped, which startled John. I told him the baby kicked me and he excitedly put his hands on my belly. He swears that he felt it too, but I'm not sure. I'm thinking it was too early for him to feel the kicks, but I guess it's quite possible. It didn't feel like a flutter at all, but I've heard that it can feel somewhat similar to gas bubbles and that's probably the closest way I can describe it. Honestly, it feels exactly how it sounds - a baby inside your stomach kicking you. Just light, tiny taps. It's not painful, which is what I feared at first, but it does feel weird. In a good way though. It's the best, reassuring feeling that your baby is ok. It's crazy that you go for weeks in between appointments, without hearing the heartbeat or seeing him on an ultrasound. So baby kicks are the next best thing. I like to think that's his way of saying, "Hey, ma!" Last night we were sitting on the couch and I had John place his hand on my belly. I was talking to the baby, telling him that John and I love him very much and that Daddy would love to feel him. And then he kicked! It's always so much fun to see the look on John's face when he feels the baby kick. Sometimes, I think guys get the short end of the stick because mommies get to feel all the little kicks all the time, and the dads...well, they just have to take our word for it.

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