Monday, October 1, 2012

Where There's a Will, There's a Way

I've had what you would probably call the most perfect pregnancy (please don't hate me). Aside from the backaches and exhaustion (which every pregnant woman gets anyway), I really haven't had anything to complain about. AND I never had morning sickness. Sure, there were times in my first trimester where I felt a bit nauseated, but I found that eating a small snack always helped.

When I first found out I was pregnant, I decided I was going to WILL myself not to get morning sickness. And whatdyaknow, it worked. Now, in no way am I saying that this is the ultimate cure for morning sickness, and I'm certainly not trying to downplay what millions of women have to go through everyday, but it doesn't hurt to go into pregnancy with a positive state-of-mind. I felt that telling myself everyday that I was NOT going to get sick somehow helped me subconsciously keep everything down. 

So I've decided that I'm going to will the following:

1. My son WILL be perfect.

2. He WILL sleep through the night by 9 weeks.

3. He WILL be nice and sweet and well-behaved and never throw tantrums or talk back to me.

4. Labor WILL be painless.

An overly ambitious list? Probably so. But the positive thoughts have gotten me through pregnancy so maybe they'll get me through labor and parenthood as well.

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